Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)?
    • Choice based credit system (CBCS), or a cafeteria like system is the solution for this type of transformation from the traditional teacher oriented education to a student-centered education. Taking responsibility for their own education in this way, students can benefit the most from all the available resources. Academic commissions and committees such as UGC, TANSCHE and NAAC recommend CBCS for higher education.
    • It is followed in top world universities and also IITs, IISc. CBCS has several unique features. They are enhanced learning opportunities, ability to match students' scholastic needs and aspirations, inter-institution transferability of students (following completion of a semester), and part-completion of an academic programme in institution of enrolment and part-completion in a specialized (and recognized) institution or even earn the credits from Industry related trainings and short term courses offered at multiple locations/industries to fulfill the requirement of total credits to be earned by candidate to be eligible to get the award of degree.
    • It also leads to improvement in educational quality and excellence, flexibility for working students to complete the programme over an extended period of time, standardization and comparability of educational programmes across the country.
  2. What are the advantages of introducing CBCS in AMIE?
    • The IEI University will be granting Degree Certificate by having proper "Credit Transfer" based on the Pass/Graduation Certificate/Marks Card of AMIE Examinations issued by IEI.
    • The IEI University will help AMIE passed candidates by granting Degree Certificate by having proper "Credit Transfer" based on the Pass/Graduation Certificate/Marks Card of AMIE Examinations issued by IEI.
    • The proposed "Credit Transfer" at IEI University will facilitate and provide an unique opportunity for those candidates of our AMIE who could not able complete one or two or few more papers/subjects within the prescribed maximum period of study and otherwise they will not get any other opportunity to continue their academic pursuit in the engineering programme (equivalent to BE/B.Tech). They can realize their dream through IEI University.
  3. How AMIE dropped out candidates who are unable complete their study due to the lapse of prescribed maximum period will get benefit from IEI University?
    The proposed "Credit Transfer" at IEI University will facilitate and provide an unique opportunity for those candidates of our AMIE who could not able complete one or two or few more papers/subjects within the prescribed maximum period of study and otherwise they will not get any other opportunity to continue their academic pursuit in the engineering programme (equivalent to BE/B.Tech). They can realize their dream through IEI University.
  4. How AMIE passed out candidates will get benefit from IEI University?
    The IEI University will help AMIE passed candidates by granting Degree Certificate by having proper "Credit Transfer" based on the Pass/Graduation Certificate/Marks Card of AMIE Examinations issued by IEI.
  5. How AMIE passed out candidates will get immunity from IEI University?
    The IEI University will help AMIE passed candidates by granting Degree Certificate by having proper "Credit Transfer" based on the Pass/Graduation Certificate/Marks Card of AMIE Examinations issued by IEI.
  6. How transfer of credits will be done at IEI University or at any other University?
    • Academic commissions and committees such as UGC, TANSCHE and NAAC recommend CBCS for higher education.
    • It is foll owed in top world universities and also IITs, IISc. CBCS has several unique features. They are enhanced learning opportunities, ability to match students' scholastic needs and aspirations, inter-institution transferability of students (following completion of a semester), and part-completion of an academic programme in institution of enrolment and part-completion in a specialized (and recognized) institution or even earn the credits from Industry related trainings and short term courses offered at multiple locations/industries to fulfill the requirement of total credits to be earned by candidate to be eligible to get the award of degree.
    • It also leads to improvement in educational quality and excellence, flexibility for working students to complete the programme over an extended period of time, standardization and comparability of educational programmes across the country.
    • To develop a structured programme for CBCS that would
      • Enable students to have a flexible learning within a structured model
      • Enable students to have wider choices outside their discipline of their study
      • Enable students to have an exposure to real life experience by participation in internships as well as vocational training
      • Enable students to have facility of Credit transfer across the country
  7. What are the specific roles IEI Corporate members (FIE/MIE/AMIE) in-service/retired with good amount of industry experience/rich domain knowledge can play in the affairs of IEI University?
    The Council Members can contribute immensely to the successful functioning of IEI University in the following specific roles while they are in active service or even after their retirement based on their interest/qualification/competency/convenience:
    • Advisors/Governance and Management of IEI University Affairs
    • Emeritus Professors
    • Administrators (Honorary/Part-Time/full-Time)
    • Faculty with Rich Experience/Resource from Industry/Academics: Professors/Asst. Professors
    • Project Guides/research Supervisors
    • Providing Opportunity for Internships to our Students at their Industry/Place of Employment
    • Mentors
    • Visiting Faculty/Trainers
    • Support Collaborative Research/Sponsored Research/Projects etc
    • Support Knowledge Conferences/Seminar/Symposium/Colloquium/Workshops etc